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9781872501086 1872501087 Contents: Jonathan J.G. Alexander, 'Two English Fifteenth-Century Manuscripts in the Biblioteca Estense with Illumination Attributable to the 'Caesar Master'; Linda L. Brownrigg, 'Bibliography of Kathleen L. Scott'; Christopher de Hamel, 'The Baldry Pattern Book'; Lynda Dennison, 'Penwork Decoration and its Significance in English Manuscripts of the Fourteenth Century'; A.I. Doyle, 'Pen-Work Flourishing of Initials in England from c.1380'; A.S.G. Edwards, 'Books Owned by Medieval Members of the Percy Family'; J.B. Friedman, 'The Merda Philosophorum: An English Problem'; Phillipa Hardman, 'The Mobile Page: 'Special Effects' in Some Late Medieval Manuscripts'; Marlene Villalobos Hennessy, 'Introduction: A Tribute to Kathleen Scott from Her Friends'; George R. Keiser, 'John Lydgate's magnificat: Magnifying Scribal Difficulties'; Jeanne Krochalis, 'The Newberry Library Stations of Rome Manuscript'; Ann Eljenholm Nichols, 'O Vernicle': Illustrations of an Arma Christi Poem'; Michael T. Orr, 'Hierarchies of Decoration in Early Fifteenth-Century English Books of Hours'; Derek Pearsall, 'Beyond Fidelity: The Illustration of Late Medieval Literary Texts'; P.R. Robinson, 'Lewdecalenders' from Lynn'; Lucy Freeman Sandler, 'The Last Bohun Hours and Psalter'; Michael G. Sargent, 'The Program of Illustration in National Library of Scotland, Advocates' Library MS 18.1.7 and Pierpont Morgan Library MS 648 of Nicholas Love's Mirror of the Blessed Life of Jesus Christ'., Jonathan J.G. Alexander, 'Two English Fifteenth-Century Manuscripts in the Biblioteca Estense with Illumination Attributable to the 'Caesar Master''; Linda L. Brownrigg, 'Bibliography of Kathleen L. Scott'; Christopher de Hamel, 'The Baldry Pattern Book'; Lynda Dennison, 'Penwork Decoration and its Significance in English Manuscripts of the Fourteenth Century'; A.I. Doyle, 'Pen-Work Flourishing of Initials in England from c.1380'; A.S.G. Edwards, 'Books Owned by Medieval Members of the Percy Family'; J.B. Friedman, 'The Merda Philosophorum: An English Problem'; Phillipa Hardman, 'The Mobile Page: 'Special Effects' in Some Late Medieval Manuscripts'; Marlene Villalobos Hennessy, 'Introduction: A Tribute to Kathleen Scott from Her Friends'; George R. Keiser, 'John Lydgate's Magnificat: Magnifying Scribal Difficulties'; Jeanne Krochalis, 'The Newberry Library Stations of Rome Manuscript'; Ann Eljenholm Nichols, ''O Vernicle': Illustrations of an Arma Christi Poem'; Michael T. Orr, 'Hierarchies of Decoration in Early Fifteenth-Century English Books of Hours'; Derek Pearsall, 'Beyond Fidelity: The Illustration of Late Medieval Literary Texts'; P.R. Robinson, ''Lewdecalenders' from Lynn'; Lucy Freeman Sandler, 'The Last Bohun Hours and Psalter'; Michael G. Sargent, 'The Program of Illustration in National Library of Scotland, Advocates' Library MS 18.1.7 and Pierpont Morgan Library MS 648 of Nicholas Love's Mirror of the Blessed Life of Jesus Christ', This collection of tributes to Kathleen L. Scott honors a colleague and friend whose scholarship will shape our understanding of the fifteenth-century English manuscript book for generations to come. The fifteen essays are written by eminent scholars from the fields of art history, palaeography, codicology, and English literature. Issues touched upon include: questions of manuscript design and illustration; borders, penwork and other minor decoration; literary manuscripts of the works of Chaucer, Gower and Lydgate; text-image relations; the book owners and collectors; little-known manuscripts, rolls, and other unusual textual artifacts. Throughout, the contributors testify to English manuscripts produced in the fourteenth and fifteenth century and the ingenuity of the scribes and artists who made them. Above all, the essays in this book reflect the range of Kathleen Scott's own contributions to book history, and they provide a fresh look at the readers, makers, and illuminators who produced handwritten manuscripts during this period. 292p, 200 b/w illus. (Harvey Miller Publishers 2009) Contents: Jonathan J.G. Alexander, 'Two English Fifteenth-Century Manuscripts in the Biblioteca Estense with Illumination Attributable to the 'Caesar Master''; Linda L. Brownrigg, 'Bibliography of Kathleen L. Scott'; Christopher de Hamel, 'The Baldry Pattern Book'; Lynda Dennison, 'Penwork Decoration and its Significance in English Manuscripts of the Fourteenth Century'; A.I. Doyle, 'Pen-Work Flourishing of Initials in England from c.1380'; A.S.G. Edwards, 'Books Owned by Medieval Members of the Percy Family'; J.B. Friedman, 'The Merda Philosophorum: An English Problem'; Phillipa Hardman, 'The Mobile Page: 'Special Effects' in Some Late Medieval Manuscripts'; Marlene Villalobos Hennessy, 'Introduction: A Tribute to Kathleen Scott from Her Friends'; George R. Keiser, 'John Lydgate's magnificat: Magnifying Scribal Difficulties'; Jeanne Krochalis, 'The Newberry Library Stations of Rome Manuscript'; Ann Eljenholm Nichols, ''O Vernicle': Illustrations of an Arma Christi Poem'; Michael T. Orr, 'Hierarchies of Decoration in Early Fifteenth-Century English Books of Hours'; Derek Pearsall, 'Beyond Fidelity: The Illustration of Late Medieval Literary Texts'; P.R. Robinson, ''Lewdecalenders' from Lynn'; Lucy Freeman Sandler, 'The Last Bohun Hours and Psalter'; Michael G. Sargent, 'The Program of Illustration in National Library of Scotland, Advocates' Library MS 18.1.7 and Pierpont Morgan Library MS 648 of Nicholas Love's Mirror of the Blessed Life of Jesus Christ'.
9781872501086 1872501087 Contents: Jonathan J.G. Alexander, 'Two English Fifteenth-Century Manuscripts in the Biblioteca Estense with Illumination Attributable to the 'Caesar Master'; Linda L. Brownrigg, 'Bibliography of Kathleen L. Scott'; Christopher de Hamel, 'The Baldry Pattern Book'; Lynda Dennison, 'Penwork Decoration and its Significance in English Manuscripts of the Fourteenth Century'; A.I. Doyle, 'Pen-Work Flourishing of Initials in England from c.1380'; A.S.G. Edwards, 'Books Owned by Medieval Members of the Percy Family'; J.B. Friedman, 'The Merda Philosophorum: An English Problem'; Phillipa Hardman, 'The Mobile Page: 'Special Effects' in Some Late Medieval Manuscripts'; Marlene Villalobos Hennessy, 'Introduction: A Tribute to Kathleen Scott from Her Friends'; George R. Keiser, 'John Lydgate's magnificat: Magnifying Scribal Difficulties'; Jeanne Krochalis, 'The Newberry Library Stations of Rome Manuscript'; Ann Eljenholm Nichols, 'O Vernicle': Illustrations of an Arma Christi Poem'; Michael T. Orr, 'Hierarchies of Decoration in Early Fifteenth-Century English Books of Hours'; Derek Pearsall, 'Beyond Fidelity: The Illustration of Late Medieval Literary Texts'; P.R. Robinson, 'Lewdecalenders' from Lynn'; Lucy Freeman Sandler, 'The Last Bohun Hours and Psalter'; Michael G. Sargent, 'The Program of Illustration in National Library of Scotland, Advocates' Library MS 18.1.7 and Pierpont Morgan Library MS 648 of Nicholas Love's Mirror of the Blessed Life of Jesus Christ'., Jonathan J.G. Alexander, 'Two English Fifteenth-Century Manuscripts in the Biblioteca Estense with Illumination Attributable to the 'Caesar Master''; Linda L. Brownrigg, 'Bibliography of Kathleen L. Scott'; Christopher de Hamel, 'The Baldry Pattern Book'; Lynda Dennison, 'Penwork Decoration and its Significance in English Manuscripts of the Fourteenth Century'; A.I. Doyle, 'Pen-Work Flourishing of Initials in England from c.1380'; A.S.G. Edwards, 'Books Owned by Medieval Members of the Percy Family'; J.B. Friedman, 'The Merda Philosophorum: An English Problem'; Phillipa Hardman, 'The Mobile Page: 'Special Effects' in Some Late Medieval Manuscripts'; Marlene Villalobos Hennessy, 'Introduction: A Tribute to Kathleen Scott from Her Friends'; George R. Keiser, 'John Lydgate's Magnificat: Magnifying Scribal Difficulties'; Jeanne Krochalis, 'The Newberry Library Stations of Rome Manuscript'; Ann Eljenholm Nichols, ''O Vernicle': Illustrations of an Arma Christi Poem'; Michael T. Orr, 'Hierarchies of Decoration in Early Fifteenth-Century English Books of Hours'; Derek Pearsall, 'Beyond Fidelity: The Illustration of Late Medieval Literary Texts'; P.R. Robinson, ''Lewdecalenders' from Lynn'; Lucy Freeman Sandler, 'The Last Bohun Hours and Psalter'; Michael G. Sargent, 'The Program of Illustration in National Library of Scotland, Advocates' Library MS 18.1.7 and Pierpont Morgan Library MS 648 of Nicholas Love's Mirror of the Blessed Life of Jesus Christ', This collection of tributes to Kathleen L. Scott honors a colleague and friend whose scholarship will shape our understanding of the fifteenth-century English manuscript book for generations to come. The fifteen essays are written by eminent scholars from the fields of art history, palaeography, codicology, and English literature. Issues touched upon include: questions of manuscript design and illustration; borders, penwork and other minor decoration; literary manuscripts of the works of Chaucer, Gower and Lydgate; text-image relations; the book owners and collectors; little-known manuscripts, rolls, and other unusual textual artifacts. Throughout, the contributors testify to English manuscripts produced in the fourteenth and fifteenth century and the ingenuity of the scribes and artists who made them. Above all, the essays in this book reflect the range of Kathleen Scott's own contributions to book history, and they provide a fresh look at the readers, makers, and illuminators who produced handwritten manuscripts during this period. 292p, 200 b/w illus. (Harvey Miller Publishers 2009) Contents: Jonathan J.G. Alexander, 'Two English Fifteenth-Century Manuscripts in the Biblioteca Estense with Illumination Attributable to the 'Caesar Master''; Linda L. Brownrigg, 'Bibliography of Kathleen L. Scott'; Christopher de Hamel, 'The Baldry Pattern Book'; Lynda Dennison, 'Penwork Decoration and its Significance in English Manuscripts of the Fourteenth Century'; A.I. Doyle, 'Pen-Work Flourishing of Initials in England from c.1380'; A.S.G. Edwards, 'Books Owned by Medieval Members of the Percy Family'; J.B. Friedman, 'The Merda Philosophorum: An English Problem'; Phillipa Hardman, 'The Mobile Page: 'Special Effects' in Some Late Medieval Manuscripts'; Marlene Villalobos Hennessy, 'Introduction: A Tribute to Kathleen Scott from Her Friends'; George R. Keiser, 'John Lydgate's magnificat: Magnifying Scribal Difficulties'; Jeanne Krochalis, 'The Newberry Library Stations of Rome Manuscript'; Ann Eljenholm Nichols, ''O Vernicle': Illustrations of an Arma Christi Poem'; Michael T. Orr, 'Hierarchies of Decoration in Early Fifteenth-Century English Books of Hours'; Derek Pearsall, 'Beyond Fidelity: The Illustration of Late Medieval Literary Texts'; P.R. Robinson, ''Lewdecalenders' from Lynn'; Lucy Freeman Sandler, 'The Last Bohun Hours and Psalter'; Michael G. Sargent, 'The Program of Illustration in National Library of Scotland, Advocates' Library MS 18.1.7 and Pierpont Morgan Library MS 648 of Nicholas Love's Mirror of the Blessed Life of Jesus Christ'.