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Read Martine Liautaud - Breaking Through in FB2


Despite the increasing number of new opportunities created for women by the new economy, statistics and pervading stereotypes suggest that we still have a long way to go in establishing gender equality. While huge progress has been made to establish gender equality in the US and Western Europe, the progress is only apparent in the junior levels of the workplace. Mentoring and Sponsoring are the keys that enable women to seize the opportunities of the new economy. This book provides evidence-based narratives of the various types of mentoring and their degrees of success. These narratives derive from experts and interviews with mentor/mentee pairs, and interviews with women entrepreneurs, (such as Jane Chen Founder of Embrace, Clara Shih, Founder of Hearsay Social). The preface has been written by Christine Lagarde, Managing Director of the IMF. The narratives testify that mentoring/sponsoring is no longer an altruistic suggestion, but yields tangible benefits for corporates, for the economy and for society: increased efficiency and effectiveness in all sectors, improved financial performance, more effective management, increased innovation and larger pool of talent, better employee retention, increased economic revenues, greater financial independence for women and greater purchasing power, improved social and community sustainability, increased philanthropy and improved community sustainability., When women succeed, we all win. "Breaking Through "explores the mentoring relationship, and unravels its effects on women, businesses, society, and the economy. In 2010, author Martine Liautaud founded the Women Business Mentoring Initiative (WBMI) to support women entrepreneurs with the targeted advice and personalized guidance that can only come from a mentor. In late 2015, she set up the Women Initiative Foundation to broaden her action in favor of women in the business world. This book encapsulates the WBMI mission and other similar experiences inside international and US corporations, showing how mentoring and sponsorship can take many forms--and how each form benefits women in business. Through evidence-based narratives, you'll learn what real women have gained from both sides of the dynamic, and why they credit mentoring with the strength of their business success. These stories show how mentoring yields increased efficiency, improved financials, more effective management, increased innovation, a broader talent pool, and increased revenues, and how helping women succeed in business leads to increased philanthropy and improves community sustainability. Gender equality has made huge strides in the US and Western Europe, but this progress is only apparent in the junior levels of the workplace. This book shows how mentoring women entrepreneurs and women managers provides the key that opens the door to the new economy. Understand why mentoring is key to women's economic advancement Learn how mentoring yields tangible benefits beyond the workplace Delve into the experiences of real mentor/mentee pairs Consider the effectiveness of various types of mentoring Despite the increasing opportunities for women in business, statistics and pervading stereotypes suggest that true gender equality is still far on the horizon. Mentoring and sponsorship can be tremendously helpful to women looking to achieve great things--the wisdom of experience is a powerful asset in business strategy and decision-making, and the mentor/mentee relationship benefits everyone. "Breaking Through" makes a compelling case for the effectiveness of mentoring, with real women's stories of success.

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Majeed situates African American Muslims in the center of this dialogue on polygyny, examining the choices available to women in these relationships and the scope of their rights.Women are naturally emotional and empathetic because of these fluctuations and our evolutionary role as caretakers.This is an exciting, important book."--Buddy MacKay, former governor of Florida " Saving Florida gives long-overdue recognition to the women who shaped the state's environmental movement and saved Florida's water, land, and quality of life from worse destruction."--Cynthia Barnett, author of Blue Revolution: Unmaking America's Water Crisis "Poole's portraits of these indomitable women, many of them previously unknown, could well inspire the next generation of activists."--Judith G.It establishes a principled basis upon which to determine the proper scope of the employee's right to free speech, taking into account the rights of both employers and employees.Concluding chapters reflect generally on the papers in the collection and the value of facilitating cross-jurisdictional dialogue.Intellectually substantial and deeply personal, Spinster is both an unreservedly inquisitive memoir and a broader cultural exploration that asks us to acknowledge the opportunities within ourselves to live authentically.Using the concept of guardianship for cognitively impaired human beings, Hadley translates habitat rights as a right to negotiate human guardians ought to be allowed to negotiate, on behalf of wild animals, with human landholders whose development activities put animals at risk.Everybody thinks of it as a personal problem and that they have to solve that problem (alone)," said Ellen Galinsky, president of the Families and Work Institute and guest of Diane Rehm's NPR show, "The Ongoing Struggle To Balance Career And Family." It is at this very juncture that "Womenand Transition "will play a pivotal role.Using contemporary examples, this Third Edition builds on previous editions by contextualizing and dramatizing these changes with reference to seven features that characterize the New Haven School approach to international law: participants, perspectives, arenas of decision, bases of power, strategies, outcomes, and effects.Broderick has a job to do-audit the books of a gentleman's club.Read Matthew Kerbel's Commentary seen in Political Communication Newsletter : Commentary, “There is a big cohort of passionate, smart, politically savvy activists—people who know how to organize, raise money, communicate and effectively utilize technology and new media—who have come into politics within the last decade who feel like their strategies have been effective but their voices are not being heard.J. D. s grandparents were dirt poor and in love, and moved north from Kentucky s Appalachia region to Ohio in the hopes of escaping the dreadful poverty around them.Created to improve service delivery to women who are victims of domestic violence, this new model emphasizes placing attention on the victim's assessment of the risk in a violent relationship and in her decision making.